Mother Blessings are ritual gatherings designed to mark a woman's rite of passage into motherhood. They are a powerful reminder of the strength and wisdom inherent in circles of women.

If you are drawn to the idea of having a Mother Blessing, but don’t have anyone in your community who quite understands the purpose or how to host one, I would love to help!

We will meet (you, 1-2 people who will host your Mother Blessing, and myself) for a visioning meeting and then I will meet with your hosts separately once more to bring your intentions and desires into Blessing form and support your hosts in putting the gathering together for you.

I will support your hosts in crafting a potent space of intention and ritual to cultivate love, appreciation, strength and power for you as the birthing mother. You’ll receive support and blessings for a grounded and confident labor journey and initiation into your next phase of life.